Amsterdam Rembrandt House Museum
The actual house where Rembrandt lived with his family – and worked with teams of other painting masters and art students

Table filled with earth pigments. These were the staple colours for Rembrandt. Often there is a teacher in the museum explains this process.
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Rembrandt AtHome
Join me for an outstanding tour in the Rembrandt House. The Rembrandt House Museum is the actual historic home where many Rembrandt’s masterpieces were painted. Inside, we see tables laden with paint pigments and in the corner prepared linen and cotton canvases of different kinds.
You can see how he splurged on art objects, bought as props for his designs and as study material for a man with a big ego. The Rembrandthuis is the large house in which he lived with Saskia – and in which his children were born, including Titus. Students and co-workers also slept there, on straw bags on the floor.
The interior has been re-constituted based on the full inventory list – kept in the Amsterdam archives – of his bankruptcy. It feels like walking into his studio and sale rooms, as if the great master has just gone for a walk outside or doing some business and left the House for you to roam about on your own. On the top floor there are wooden partitions / cubicles for his students…and in the building next door one can often stand face to face with a good series of the actual etchings.

Rembrandt’s son Titus at a writing table. Boijmans museum.
What sets Rembrandt apart from other genius artists like Durer, Lucas van Leiden, Elsheimer? How fine or bold are Rembrandts results in the technique of etching and engraving? Learn how to see and appreciate how he employed these fine or bold lines in the etching and engraving – in order to get, in the words of the Master: the ‘Most natural movement’?