Please note: I live in Amsterdam, Holland and will specially fly in just for you. This means you hire your own private Professore. For a serious fee.
Tours by professional Art History scholar with excellent teaching skills. Specialist in Fine art and Design, Architecture and History. VIP entry.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach: „…he is wildly overqualified to be a guide . That is his secret… Trust me on this.” Gabe. Statement made February, 2017.

Gerome, Phryne. Wonderful story of a girl found guilty – but exonerated because of her radiant beauty. Good piece of early Porn.

Stairwell with serious art and history teachings

From bottom of Stairwell. Man walk up to elevated art.

Feuerbach, portrait of Capello.

Emmanuel de Witte, View inside Old church, Amsterdam

Emmanuel de Witte, View inside Old church, Amsterdam, detail with a good whipping.

Caspar David Friedrich. German title: Gescheiterde Hoffnung

Caspar David Friedrich. German title: Gescheiterte Hoffnung, detail of shipwreck.

Statue outside Kunsthalle, Tuaillon standing horse

Model inside Bremen Kunsthalle, Tuaillon standing horse. Note unflinching anatomical detail.

Manet painting Faure as Hamlet. Quite unfinished and therefore instructive.

Nearby in the Art & Design museum Hamburg: Monster + Skull + Man.

Otto Mueller, Girl. As always very rough canvas and dry paint.

Munch! Madonna. A seriously conflicted painter.

View of Hamburg, a winter night with the Elbe Philharmony in the middle.

Hodler, View of Infinity. Swiss world-class painting.