Teylers Museum, Haarlem
Visit the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Science

Great Encyclopedic Room of the Teylers Museum. It was recently sandblasted.
Zoom! At the moment, most museums in the world are either closed or very limited in entry. That is a rough, troublesome time for us art-lovers. But this is also the perfect moment to learn more about a a number of western painters, art schools, era’s etc. I can guide you digitally through many, many art museums on Zoom. With the help of my 10.000+ image bank of my own photographs.
New: Private Audio system available.
Teylers Museum in Haarlem is devoted to Natural History (prehistoric fossils, rocks), Early Science (machinery, instruments) and galleries of 19th century painting. The most interesting room is the oval one, which displays the breadth of 18th century knowledge from the Age of Enlightenment, with bookcases full of Encyclopaedias. As an extra boon the museum houses a gallery of very good selection of prints and drawings, including Michelangelo! You will need time slot tickets for your own group and a free one for me.
In 1778 the institution was founded by a private person, the wealthy cloth merchant Pieter Teyler who stipulated a science Foundation should be started. From then on the idea was embraced by educated inhabitants of Haarlem.
It was actually opened as the very first museum in Holland. Some of its exhibition rooms still have no electric light and close down an hour early in winter.

Business card. The logo refers to Vermeer.

Glass cabinets full of scientific instruments: optical, about sound and other waves.
Haarlem is easy to reach with public transport, half an hour by train from Amsterdam. I hold a Dutch Railways rebate card. For this train tour I can offer you a special rebate of 40% for three separate adult railway tickets. This makes it economical for you as clients. I can join you from your hotel or from the Amsterdam train station.
Various other options are open to you: a) You can hire a car and drive it yourself, and I will join you starting in Amsterdam and will advise you about the best route. b) We can hire a professional taxibus service at around E 70 per hour for about 4 to 5 hours. On top of that you will pay me as the specialist guide. This is the more expensive option.
Larger images are available on this old school site.
Tour by professional Art History scholar with excellent teaching skills. Specialist in Fine art and Design, Architecture and History. VIP entry.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach: „…he is wildly overqualified to be a guide . That is his secret… Trust me on this.” Gabe. Statement made February, 2017.

Painting by W. Hendriks of the interior of the 18th C scientific machines hall.

The second painting gallery, with 19th century art, with a seating bench in style.

Exterior, Teylers facing Spaarne river.

A 5-minute walk along the Spaarne river, Teylers courtyard for the elderly, a “hofje”.

The grand entrance on Spaarne river with a cupola by the stairwell.