Orsay Museum, Paris
The most outstanding museum of the Nineteenth Century. Your private VIP curated museum tour
150 Must-see paintings.
A digital Zoom visit with your private art historian, our plan B in Covid 19 / Corona times. I will show you my image bank of paintings inside. And give you a high quality tour.
At the moment, most museums in the world are either closed or very limited in entry. That is a rough, troublesome time for us art-lovers. But this is also the perfect moment to learn more about a a number of western painters, art schools, era’s etc. I can guide you digitally through many, many art museums on Zoom. With the help of my 10.000+ image bank of my own photographs.
HUGE list of museums for digital visits via my photo files + Zoom.
In better times, after re-opening: A visit with your own art historian, flying in for you.
When all is well again…I will be your private professore, travelling in from Amsterdam, Holland specially for you. Join me in Paris to visit this outstanding museum of the Nineteenth century, in paintings and in design, and furniture. Extra halls have opened up during the last few years and private collectors have yielded their additional treasure to this outstanding museum.
Please note, this is a high level offer. Practicalities: I live in Amsterdam, Holland and do NOT run a travel agency. I do however provide Fabulous international museum tours. The plan is that you contract me for one or more days as your private ‘Professore’ and offer full transport to that city, plus hotel accommodation in the same place you will stay. Excellent idea to be there at 9.15 to beat the waiting lines. We will spend quality time together in mornings and early afternoons.
You can hire me and I will fly in to be your own outstanding private “Professore”. At your cost, I will fly in especially for you and I will guide you after spending a hotel night. And then a very memorable museum visit or two. Please book a time slot ticket for yourself and for the guide. New: Private Audio system available.
The French state has brought all of the important 19th C state collections together in one humongous building, a former train station on Seine River. Since the opening year, collections have grown in number and quality by donations and purchases.
One of the amazing objects in the Orsay is a Huge wooden model of the inside of the Opera building.
On show:
Standard Bourgeois accepted high-class, mid-19th C art
Exhibited in a humongous railway station
Extension floors just opened, giving an astounding array.
Best items bought by the State at the annual official Salon Exhibition
Orientalism, shocking items even in our days
Impressionist items bought from the Independants Exhibition
Impressionist group, many highlights
Other -Isms
Art objects, design, furniture.
This museums keeps on getting very rich bequests. One wants to join the winning team!
Another trip to Architectural monuments casts.
Please note, this is a high level offer. Practicalities: I live in Amsterdam, Holland and do NOT run a travel agency. I do however provide Fabulous international museum tours.
The plan is that you contract me for one or more days as your private ‘Professor’ and offer full transport to that city, plus hotel accommodation in the same place you will stay. We will spend quality time together in mornings and early afternoons.
Tour by professional Art History scholar with excellent teaching skills. Specialist in Fine art and Design, Architecture and History. VIP entry.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach: „…he is wildly overqualified to be a guide . That is his secret… Trust me on this.” Gabe. Statement made February, 2017.
See the entire International list (Tours outside Holland).