Jan van Bylert, Beggars. A unique group portrait of very poor people.
Utrecht Museums
Centraal Museum. Strong in Caravaggist influence via Utrecht painters. Design. Early painting.
Christianity art is reflected in all christian denominations: Catharijneconvent Museum
Take a walk in the historic inner city of Utrecht!

Business card.
Tour by professional Art History scholar with excellent teaching skills. Specialist in Fine art and Design, Architecture and History. VIP entry.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach: „…he is wildly overqualified to be a guide . That is his secret… Trust me on this.” Gabe. Statement made February, 2017.

Ter Brugghen, Caravaggio follower.

Rembrandt, baptism of Chamberlain.

Mediaeval manuscript: the famous Utrecht Psalter.

Ancient ship, of around 1000 dug up from the protective layers of clay.

Duomo tower, inner city of Utrecht

Caravaggists, painters having visited Rome, followers of Caravaggio.

Jan van Bylert, group of beggars. A unique portrait of poor people.

Geertgen, Man of Sorrows. The birth of Painting in Holland, from the town of Haarlem.

Architecture by Rietveld, a bus ride away. Can be visited with another Museum person.

Near the Duomo.

Tranquil inner courtyard of the Catharijneconvent.