Research artikelen op het gebied van Kunstgeschiedenis (niet Vermeer items).

Dr Fritz Mannheimer, the Larger Than Life art collector. Hitler bought all of his art and lost it!
Dr. Fritz Mannheimer, a James Bond-like story featuring: Grand bank fraud, Hitler and the Monuments Men
Rembrandt Portrait of Uyttenbogaard. His face painted in just a few hours
Rembrandt Portrait of Maria Thins. Painted in the course of 5-6 weeks.
Childbirth and Midwives in Delft. The first professional group for female midwives.
Full list of Publications by art historian Drs Kees Kaldenbach over the last 30 years.
There is a small Vermeer link in Mannheimer anyway: he could have bought ‘The Art of Painting’ now in Vienna, but he turned it down.
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Scheme on how Mannheimers goods were amassed – and dispersed after WW2

Business card. The logo refers to Vermeer.