Academia Translations

Business card, Academica Translations

Academica Translations and Editing Services

Skilled language specialist. Offers rapid translations, rapid delivery.
Turnaround jobs perhaps ready within the hour; within half a day or within days… thus short term.
Fast, reliable translation services by a senior Dutch art historian – specifically for Small Businesses, Culture, Contracts, Internet pages.

Drs. Kees Kaldenbach is an author, translator and editor, independent scholar.
Native Dutch translator. Takes care of a dynamic equivalent between source language and target language.  Closely cooperates with a native English speaker.
“…always… have I translated thoughts, not words” Hieronymus (347-420).
 Language in a world within a world.”
“Many thanks for your extraordinary service”

In front of the Vermeer,  ‘View of Delft’ for which Drs. Kaldenbach did archival research.

Drs Kaldenbach is a high quality linguist active for speedy translations and translation solutions, also editing and transforming texts into well-polished English or Dutch – submitted and delivered by e-mail – within the hour, half day, or within a day or a few days – depending on the amount of text. This team is native Dutch and Native English.
Dutch / Nederlandse version.

English to Dutch (Engels -> Nederlands). Source language English. Target language Dutch. By Drs. Kees, born in The Netherlands. Dutch native speaker, Dutch mother tongue.

Dutch to English (Nederlands -> Engels). Source language Dutch, target language English. Or Source language English, target language Dutch. Prepared by Drs. Kees, born in The Netherlands & double checked by native speaker Brenda, born in the USA, whose mother tongue is English.

German to Dutch or German to English (Duits -Nederlands, Duits -> Engels). Source language German. Target language Dutch or English. By Kees, born in The Netherlands. Speaks German / Deutsch since he was 10 years old.

Specialty translations for personal use and business use, specifically in small businesses.

Contact by email: Telephone +31 20 6698119 or cell phone +31 6 2868 9775.

Key words: translations, web contents, dutch, english, german, deutsch, arts, fine arts, architecture, culture, history, business, real estate, contracts,
technical, specifications, technology,
lifestyle, well-being, wellness, bodywork, massage,
pop music, history of music, sixties, seventies, eighties, Mozart, Wagner.
language, academic,level, files, interpreter, translator, translations, fast, neat, expert, swift, clever, quick, speedy, bright, fashionable, worldly, minded, rapid, priority, precedence, Urgent, good, reliable,services, projects, speed, speedtranslations, very, fast, urgent, translations, Academica, academic, level, speed, projects, translation, bureau, office, Amsterdam, Holland, Dutch, translator, translation, Holland, Netherlands, by email, Internet, hour, day, scientist, scientific, cultural.



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