Prepare to see your ultimate Once in a lifetime art show – to see most Vermeers in the world together in one museum
Be Prepared. Tune yourself during an AtHome meeting for a Superspecialist academic expert quality talk on Vermeer.
See 28 Vermeer paintings (out of an existing grand total of the 36) coming down to our age. They will be presented for about 4 months in all their glory in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. Buy tickets asap !
Book an At Home lecture with Drs Kaldenbach, a Vermeer superspecialist expert!
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, from February 10 – to June 4, 2023.
On-site guiding in that exhibition will NOT be allowed by the museum since most Vermeer paintings are rather small and throngs of dozens of viewers thronging in front of these small paintings are not a great idea.
However: an alternative is available to you: AtHome with a noted Vermeer superspecialist. Unique proposition.

BBC interview at my home in the 1990s. Andrew Graham Dixon was the interviewer. The TV crew noted: all footage was “take in one” !
Your best chance is an At Home lecture on Vermeer with a specialist who studied Vermeer for 40 years. University level lectures with books and posters as visual material. (No slide show!)
For the last 40 years I have been the most active Vermeer specialist in Holland, an enthused private “professore”, publishing widely online, teaching and guiding my private clients in classy museums like Mauritshuis, The Hague; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; Louvre in Paris, The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC. For decades, I also have been part of the academic group of the University of Amsterdam called Golden Age (Early Modern Dutch studies) in which professors meet to discuss that period in-depth and then continue the meeting in a pub.
On this very web site are countless gems such as the clickable Digital Vermeer House and the Digital Flight over Delft 1660 (see under Author and Publications).
So I am like the Italians say your ‘Professore’ ! My Plan is this : At my own Amsterdam home, I can receive up to five private clients (including you) for sharing my Vermeer expertise – growing since 1975 – and show my well stocked book case, with art books and large reproductions. That way, at my home, we can go in-depth with you in a quiet, concentrated private environment, discussing those subjects which truly interest you. PhD level knowledge, see full publication list.
You may choose to visit me either before your museum visit to the Vermeer show – or after your visit to the Vermeer show. Typically my at home session will be 1 to 2 hours in duration. At cost.
And I can also give you a walking tour of the inner city of Delft. We can go there together by train with a 40% rebate – or in your car.
Expertly knowledgeable: A complete English language book manuscript for my Vermeer book is ready and can be seen here. Which publisher will take this chance ? Forty years of expertise and archival work is presented in this unpublished book.
Appointments for my At Home sessions and Delft walks preferably by email, to or by telephone, during my daytime hours, at 0031-62-868-9975. Please note: Allergy warning, two nice cats also live here.
Rijksmuseum Vermeer tickets are completely sold out. Friendship passes also sold out.

Vermeer, Allegory of Painting / The Art of Painting, Vienna. Not shown in Amsterdam. I will present a poster size reproduction.