Take a walk in the historic inner city of Utrecht!
Tour by Drs Kees Kaldenbach, a professional Art History scholar with excellent teaching skills. Specialist in Fine art and Design, Architecture and History. VIP entry.
Drs Kees Kaldenbach: „…he is wildly overqualified to be a guide . That is his secret… Trust me on this.” Gabe. Statement made February, 2017.

First big hall, with to the right a Middle Rhine altarpiece of around 1400.

Inner courtyard.

Rembrandt: Baptism of the Eunuch, detail.

St Gregory Mass with the tools of blood and pain around Christ.

Wooden sculptures, by the Master of Elsloo.

One of the more chilling objects: the strangling shawl with which Cunera was murdered. She became a saint.

Business card. The logo refers to Vermeer.